Every Friday I Heart Faces posts a photo that is SOOC and let’s everyone have fun editing. It is awesome to see the different styles everyone chooses. I went for a warm, hazy look and you can see my edit below.
For my edit, I cropped a little closer and then ran Coffeeshop’s Perfect Portrait 2 which allowed me to adjust levels and work on the little girls skin and eyes. I ran Florabella’s Spring Haze at 50% and PW’s Seventies Action at 20% to the lighten everything and add some warmth to the photo. Finally, I cheated and used Lens Flare to make it look like it was a bright fall day and the sun was hitting her face. Be sure to check out fix it Friday to see all of the different edits!
On the way back from Chattanooga, we stopped to see my cousins and her little boys. She asked if I could bring my camera and I had never done a “photo shoot” before but I did get a few good pictures after lunch.
Tate just learned how to say TACKLE!
Samuel totally knows how to work the camera.
I move in two weeks so I was putting off decorating a mantle but its fall and its my favorite season! I broke down and did it but it was completely FREE with things I found around my house. I made my $10 fall wreath a couple weeks ago and threw it up on a nail I managed to wedge into a crack in the mortar. I wanted it up higher but I move in two weeks and I am pretty sure the next tenants will thank me for not mutilating the fireplace.
Piece of twine = instant fall candle. I threw a table runner on the mantle for an extra pop of color.
Twine balls are all the rage. I tried several different techniques will post my scientific findings soon.
I had these candle sticks and threw some pumpkins and leftover leaves on them. And once again—twine makes anything fall.
I promise the new house will have something more elaborate but I had to take advantage of the exposed brick one last time.
With Halloween around the corner, Black Magic would be a more appropriate title but I need to take a minute to talk about how great Blue Magic is. I found this 18 inch silver tray at a garage sale for $4. It was sitting in the sun when I spotted it and I nearly dropped it when I picked it up because it was so hot and much heavier than I expected. It was pretty scratched up but I loved the shape and details on the edges so I splurged :) and bought it. The owner mumbled something about “magic” and I assumed he was saying…”It’s gonna take some kinda magic to shine that baby up, sucka.” A quick google search showed rave reviews about a product called “Blue Magic.” Transformation in 3…2…1…
Tarnished tray—yuck!
Enter Blue Magic Metal Polish Cream
Would you look at that? Drab to fab. That was cheesy. Excuse me, it is late.
A little scratched in the middle but it will look great on a shelf or to use for cookies during the holidays!
19 inch wreath- $1
3 picks of leaves- $3
Picks of pumpkins/gourds- $2
Cattails, red flowers, and yellow flowers-- $3 (ignore the wheat--- I didn’t use it because that would be an $11 wreath and would require and separate post).
Ribbon- $1
Please take note of the glue gun in the upper right corner. It was a new purchase this weekend and I had a huge smile on my face when I checked out of Lowe’s with it. The guy at the counter probably thought the love in my eyes was for him, but alas, it was for the glue gun that may will change my life.
I picked up some pizza, turned on Swiss Family Robinson and started gluing away and tada… my $10 fall wreath was born.
I don’t have a traditional front door and I wanted to be able to enjoy it so it is hanging on the fireplace until I move.
I am working on a $20 fall mantle which includes this wreath. It will be posted soon!
Have a great FALL weekend!
Ta-da!!! After 8 years of saving t-shirts and 2 years of cutting, arranging, and sewing, it is finally done! The perfect football watching blanket!
Things I love:
1) Awesome fabric. The lady at the store tried to deter me but I don’t think it takes away from the shirts at all!
2) Minky fabric on the back. So perfect for the staying warm while watching football in the fall!
3) The clean look of the shirts and color coordination without looking like it was just thrown together. A little known fact--- I chose a college based on the fact that it matched my high school colors and thus would make a great t-shirt quilt. Ditto for the job and its colors.
No tutorial on this one but in case you are wondering, the squares are 12 inches and it comfortably fits on a twin size bed and fits even better on a couch!
I work for a celebrity’s non-profit foundation and we were at an event this morning with inner city kids. A little girl asked for my autograph and after trying to redirect her to the 6’7” guy in the room who is actually famous, I asked why she wanted it and she replied, "Because I like yo necklace." Signing the first resulted in a line of 10 more girls wanting autographs... being famous is hard work.
I just returned from Asheville over the long weekend. What an amazing trip! I was amazed by the unique architecture that we saw on our historic trolley tour. Here are a few snapshots of my favorites:
This morning, my power adapter looked like this. Not safe…
It now looks like this and I didn’t have to pay anything! My Macbook is 4 years old and out of the Apple care warranty. I googled “broken Magsafe adapter” and the result was lots of tutorials of how to fix it. Most of the tutorials started like this… grab a blow torch, a file, 4 sets of pliers, and 3 knives.
I am not trying to break out of prison—just trying to get a little juice to my laptop. I stumbled upon an article about a faulty design and that some models were being replaced for free! I set an appointment and while I was there, the Genius (what a great job title!) realigned my laptop after a little mishap involving a flight of stairs and concrete which left my CD player smooshed.
This concludes my story on why I love my Mac.